# Installation

# Overview

Pomerium is shipped in multiple formats and architectures to suit a variety of deployment patterns. There are two binaries:

pomerium is the server component. It is a monolithic binary that can perform the function of any services mode, depending on configuration.

pomerium-cli is the user component. It is a similarly monolithic binary handling user facing capabilities such as pomerium service account creation and authentication helper functions.

# Pomerium

  • Supported Operating Systems: linux, darwin
  • Supported Architectures: amd64, arm64

Pomerium releases include both the pomerium and pomerium-cli binaries.

# Binaries

Official binaries can be found on our GitHub Releases page.

ARCH=[your arch]
OS=[your os]
VERSION=[desired version]
curl -L https://github.com/pomerium/pomerium/releases/download/${VERSION}/pomerium-${OS}-${ARCH}.tar.gz \ 
    | tar -z -x

# Docker Image

Pomerium utilizes a minimal docker container. You can find Pomerium's images on dockerhub. Pomerium can be pulled in several flavors and architectures.

  • :vX.Y.Z: which will pull the a specific tagged release.

    $ docker run pomerium/pomerium:v0.1.0 --version
  • :latest: which will pull the most recent tagged release.

    $ docker pull pomerium/pomerium:latest && docker run pomerium/pomerium:latest --version
  • :master : which will pull an image in sync with git's master branch.

docker pull pomerium/pomerium:latest

# Helm

Pomerium maintains a helm chart for easy Kubernetes deployment with best practices https://helm.pomerium.io/

helm repo add pomerium https://helm.pomerium.io
helm install pomerium/pomerium

See the README for up to date install options.

# Source


Officially supported build platforms are limited by envoy proxy. If you have an enoy binary for your platform in your path at start time, pomerium should function correctly.

git clone git@github.com:pomerium/pomerium.git
cd pomerium
./bin/pomerium --version

# Pomerium CLI

  • Supported Operating Systems: linux, darwin, windows, freebsd
  • Supported Architectures: amd64, arm64, armv6, armv7

# Binaries

Official binaries can be found on our GitHub Releases page.

ARCH=[your arch]
OS=[your os]
VERSION=[desired version]
curl -L https://github.com/pomerium/pomerium/releases/download/${VERSION}/pomerium-cli-${OS}-${ARCH}.tar.gz \ 
    | tar -z -x

# Homebrew

brew tap pomerium/tap
brew install pomerium-cli

# Source

git clone git@github.com:pomerium/pomerium.git
cd pomerium
./bin/pomerium-cli --help